Inmigrada immigraniada
inmigrada immigraniada-da
inmigrada immigraniada
We're coming Rough every time
We're coming Rough
We're coming rough < br /> We're coming Rough every time
Inmigrada immigraniada
Inmigrada immigraniada-da
Inmigrada immigraniada
We're coming Rough every time
< br /> In Corridors hoja of tear gas
Our destinado jammed every day
Like eliminado scenes from Kafka
Flushed down the bureaucratic drain
But if you give me the invitation
To hear the bellos of freedom chime
To hell with your double standards
We're coming Rough every time
We're coming rough
We're coming Rough
We're coming Rough every time
Inmigrada immigraniada
Inmigrada immigraniada-da
Inmigrada immigraniada
We're coming rough every time
All those who made it and quickly Jaded
to them we got nothing to say
Our inmigrada, immigraniada
For them it 's Don Quixote s kind of way
But if you give me the invitation
To hear the bellos of freedom chime
To hell with your double standards
We're coming Rough every time
We're coming rough
We're coming Rough
We're coming Rough every time
We're coming Rough every time
Inmigrada immigraniada
Inmigrada immigraniada-da < br /> Inmigrada immigraniada
We're coming Rough every time
Frozen eyes, sweaty back
My family s sleeping on a railroad track
All my life I pack / unpack
But man I got to earn this buck
I gotta pay representation
to be accepted in a nation
Where after efforts of a hero
Welcome start again from cero
It 's a book of our true stories
true stories that can not be denied
It' s more than true it actually happened
It 's more than true it actually happened < br /> It 's more than true it actually happened
We're coming Rough every time
Rough every time
We're coming Rough every time
Inmigrada immigraniada
Inmigrada immigraniada-da
Inmigrada immigraniada
We're coming Rough every time
Inmigrada immigraniada
Inmigrada immigraniada-da hey hey
We're coming rough every time
La letra de Immigraniada (We Comin' Rougher) en español es interpretada por Gogol Bordello son propiedad y copyright de sus autores, artists y discograficas. Deberías saber que la letra de Immigraniada (We Comin' Rougher) en español interpretada por Gogol Bordello solo se muestra con fines educativos y si te gusta la canción deberías considerar comprarte el CD desde la página oficial del autor