La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
Too much inspiration
Back when I was a freshman
I learned a valuable lesson
A hoe gonna be a hoe
And it don't matter about you stressin
The only thing you do
Tap that throat and ware protection
And only when she spit it out
Is when you feel rejection
Evidence and DNA drop down
And staining her dress
She is making a great big mess
Would you like to get something off your chest?
And that is no intended pun
I'm just joshing with you Hun
Don't we always have a blast?
As we bust one on one (one on one)
I, I want to get into you
I don't want no girlfriend
Just want to get n2u
I, I want to get into you
I don't want no girlfriend
Just want to get n2u
Now that I'm a graduate
She still got to have it
School days are over
Spike the punch and you can stab it
Jug jug more jug
Push pull more wood
Isotonia club waiting nicely
Cause we go good
Together like slat and pepper
Kool-aid and sugar
Mustard and mayonnaise
Shoulda, coulda and woulda ohhhhhhh
And that is no intended pun
I'm just joshing with you Hun
Don't we always have a blast?
As we bust one on one (one on one)
I, I want to get into you
I don't want no girlfriend
Just want to get n2u
I, I want to get into you
I don't want no girlfriend
Just want to get n2u
Anit talk about commitment
Shit waiting (anit talking bout that)
Anit talking about the wedding rings (yeah no no can't do that)
I hope you aint a gold digging bitch
But Chu a fine little sexy thang
I, I want to get into you
I don't want no girlfriend
Just want to get n2u
I, I want to get into you
I don't want no girlfriend
Just want to get n2u
La letra de N2U en español es interpretada por Outkast son propiedad y copyright de sus autores, artists y discograficas. Deberías saber que la letra de N2U en español interpretada por Outkast solo se muestra con fines educativos y si te gusta la canción deberías considerar comprarte el CD desde la página oficial del autor