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Traducción Roxette Letra en español

Canciones Populares de Roxette

  1. Letra de Things Will Never Be The Same
  2. Letra de It Just Happens
  3. Letra de She's Got The Looks
  4. Letra de Never Is A Long Time
  5. Letra de (Do You Get) Excited?

Albums de Roxette

Travelling (2012)

Charm School (2011)

The Roxbox 86-06 (2006)

Hits! (2006)

A Collection Of Roxette Hits: Their 20 Greatest Songs! (2006)

Baladas En Español (1997)

Don't Bore Us - Get To The Chorus! (1995)

Crash! Boom! Bang! (1994)

Pearls Of Passion (1986)

Other Songs

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