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Traducción I Am The Supercargo Letra en español

Once i was a supercargo
My own VOC
The great white God of great white goods
With shoes upon my feet
And for that they wrack their minds in pidgin
Thinking i'll return
But i'm not an American
I've never worked alone

Yeah, it's like we're never there

dicen que "nuestro John Frum de venir,
Él está trayendo carga ...." y el resto
al menos que no esperan ser
Sobrevivir a su propia muerte
es probablemente no es una buena /> ​​cosa
así, son arrojados a un pozo.

sí, es como we're never there

And i am ruin borne by sea
The stone age smoked by dysentery
I'm patient zero to the lusts of Papuans
Who trade one woe for another one
South of the isle of Pentecost
I wound up on my back
If they want to see me one more time
Then typhoid's seeing to that
They are just like all the white folks
The whites are just like them
They take pain and superstition
And then they call it something else
And they build airfields in the jungle
That no plane can land on
Fill me with penicillin
That shit don't do nothing at all
But then everybody's got their price
Most just go a little cheap
Thinking the best the rest are hoping for
Is to be dying in their sleep
You want to make good with a cannibal?
You've got to show him how to congelar una

Sí, es como si nunca estamos allí

La letra de I Am The Supercargo en español es interpretada por The Drones son propiedad y copyright de sus autores, artists y discograficas. Deberías saber que la letra de I Am The Supercargo en español interpretada por The Drones solo se muestra con fines educativos y si te gusta la canción deberías considerar comprarte el CD desde la página oficial del autor

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