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Traducción My Cherie Amour Letra en español

La la la la la la la la la la la la la la.
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la.

My cherie amour lovely as a summer day
My cherie amour distant as the Milky Way
My cherie amour pretty little one that I adore
You're the only girl my heart leaps for.
How I wish that you were mine.

In a cafe or sometimes on a crowded street
I've been near you but you never notice me
Oh cherie amour won't you tell me how could you ignore
Back behind this little smile I wore
How I wished that you were mine.

My cherie amour...
My cherie amour...
Maybe some day you'll see my face among the crowd.
Maybe some day you'll share your little distant cloud.
Oh cherie amour pretty little one that I adore
You're the only girl my heart leaps for
How I wish that you were mine.

La la la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la

(repeat to fade)

La letra de My Cherie Amour en español es interpretada por The Jacksons son propiedad y copyright de sus autores, artists y discograficas. Deberías saber que la letra de My Cherie Amour en español interpretada por The Jacksons solo se muestra con fines educativos y si te gusta la canción deberías considerar comprarte el CD desde la página oficial del autor

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