La-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
You've dreamt this all before, you've sang this song before
You've seen it all before, it was just a little different, that's all
You've dreamt this all before, you've sang this song before
You've seen it all before, it was in another world, that's all
Long, long, long, long ago, long, long, long, long ago
You've dreamt this all before, you've sang this song before
You've seen it all before, it was in another world, that's all
You've dreamt this all before, you've dreamt this all before
You've dreamt this all before, it was in another bed, that's all
Long, long, long, long ago, long, long, long, long ago
(Prophecies of memories of prophecies, my love)
You've dreamt this all before, you've dreamt this all before
You've dreamt this all before, it was in another bed, that's all
(Prophecies of memories of prophecies, my love)
You've dreamt this all before, you've dreamt this all before
You've dreamt this all before, it was in another bed, that's all
Long, long, long, long ago, long, long, long, long ago
La letra de Prophecies And Reversed Memories en español es interpretada por Múm son propiedad y copyright de sus autores, artists y discograficas. Deberías saber que la letra de Prophecies And Reversed Memories en español interpretada por Múm solo se muestra con fines educativos y si te gusta la canción deberías considerar comprarte el CD desde la página oficial del autor